Financial Education Videos
Financial Education
Pros and Cons of Dividend Investing
What are the pros and cons of dividend investing? Dividend investing is buying shares from companies that have a high dividend yield. These yields could be anywhere from 4%-6%, and [...]
Should I invest if I want to retire early?
Retiring early has become increasingly popular because of different movements promoting this lifestyle, such as the FIRE Movement (Financial Independence Retire Early). There are many choices you have to make [...]
Should I invest in company stocks?
If your company offers an employer stock purchase plan, stock options, or restricted stock units, you might not want to turn down the opportunity to invest in company stocks. However, [...]
What kind of taxes should you expect to pay during retirement?
Some people wonder, “Will I pay taxes in retirement?” The answer to this question is not as straightforward as some people think. In short, yes, you will pay taxes on [...]
Roth Conversions: Pros, Cons, and Considerations
A Roth conversion is when you convert taxable money from an IRA to a tax-free growth vehicle, like a Roth IRA. If you feel that you're going to convert at [...]
IRS Delays SECURE Act 2.0 Mandatory Roth Catch-up Rule
The IRS has delayed the Secure Act 2.0 catch-up rule for mandatory roth 401k contributions for 2 years. If you’re over 50 and make more than $145,000 a year, your [...]
What are financial red flags in a relationship?
When you start a new relationship with someone, it's common to be on the lookout for red flags, which might include financial red flags. Some people aren't sure whether or [...]
How much money should you have in an emergency fund?
An emergency fund consists of a reserve of cash equivalent to 3 to 6 months' worth of your expenses. If there’s uncertainty in your job, or even the industry you [...]