3 Business Books Worth Reading

By Last Updated: October 27, 2023
3 Business Books Worth Reading

What do some of the most successful people throughout history have in common? They never stop learning. By discovering how some of the business world’s most accomplished individuals achieved greatness, you’re sure to find valuable lessons, perspective, and inspiration.

For the Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurs are a breed of their own, and perhaps the boldest and most enterprising entrepreneur today is Elon Musk. Musk’s singular vision of a more accessible and ecological era of exploration has driven him to blaze an impressive trail that’s captivated both the media and the markets. Learn more about his triumphs and pitfalls in “Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future.”

For the Creative Professional

Whether you’re a full-time freelancer or you flex your marketing muscle in-house, making sure your professional brand and message remain top of mind is a must. David Ogilvy, a legend in the advertising world, may have written “Confessions of an Advertising Man” in the early ’60s, but his insights on brand-building still resonate sharply in an era dominated by social media and the rise of one’s personal brand.

For the Finance-Focused

The art of the hustle is a time-honored tradition. Maybe that’s why “The Art of Money Getting,” written in 1880 by P.T. Barnum, is both a fascinating glimpse into a bygone era as well as a treasure trove of enduring principles for increasing financial wisdom. Barnum’s caution against debt, his approach to selective information gathering and his emphasis on charity are just a few of the book’s character-building gems.

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