Financial Education Videos
Financial Education
The Financial Advisors Role in Legacy Planning
Financial advisors help create and assist clients with achieve goals pertaining to many aspects of their financial life, from tax planning to legacy planning, and more. We often get asked [...]
Building a Legacy Beyond Just Financial Wealth
When you are building a legacy plan, it is important to understand your legacy is not just about your financial legacy. You should also focus on passing down family history, [...]
What is Legacy Planning and Why is it Important?
You may be wondering, what exactly is legacy planning and how does it differ from estate planning? Estate planning can be defined as the planning process for transferring an individual’s [...]
What is IRMAA?
You may be wondering, what exactly is IRMAA? IRMAA is your income-related monthly adjustment amount. In short, your Medicare premium is affected based on which tax bracket you fall within [...]
Is there going to be a recession in 2022?
The big question is, will we have a recession in 2022? Or you may be curious, what is a recession? A recession is when two negative quarters of GDP occur [...]
The Medicare Sign-Up Process Explained
If you are nearing retirement age, it is important to understand the Medicare enrollment process because as you turn 65, you are required to enroll in Medicare. You must enroll [...]
Will Social Security Run Out?
Recently, reports have come out about social security disappearing by 2033, which has instilled fear among retirees. The truth is 76% of social security is funded by employees. This means [...]
What is the 4% rule?
The 4% rule was developed by William Bengen in 1994. Since then, it has been used by financial professionals to help retirees determine different withdrawal strategies. The way it works is [...]