Financial Education Videos

Financial Education

What is IRMAA?

By |June 17, 2022|

You may be wondering, what exactly is IRMAA? IRMAA is your income-related monthly adjustment amount. In short, your Medicare premium is affected based on which tax bracket you fall within [...]

Will Social Security Run Out?

By |May 27, 2022|

Recently, reports have come out about social security disappearing by 2033, which has instilled fear among retirees. The truth is 76% of social security is funded by employees. This means [...]

What is the 4% rule?

By |May 20, 2022|

The 4% rule was developed by William Bengen in 1994. Since then, it has been used by financial professionals to help retirees determine different withdrawal strategies. The way it works is [...]


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