Financial Education Videos
Financial Education
Who benefits from ESG portfolios?
ESG investing has taken the investment world by storm in 2021. What difference are you really making by buying ESG funds? Casey Smith President
Long Term Care Insurance Explained
A lot of people have the misconception that Medicare will cover their long term care expenses in retirement, but unfortunately that is not the case. A long term care expense [...]
Investing in the Trump SPAC: DWAC
We have been getting a lot of questions about Trump and his new media company that is going public through a SPAC. Casey Smith explains what a SPAC (Special Purpose [...]
Matthews Barnett, CFP®, ChFC®, CLU® explains what the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ certification is and what obtaining this certification entails. Matthews Barnett, CFP®, ChFC®, CLU® Financial Planning Specialist
What is financial planning?
A question we sometimes get asked is "what is financial planning?" Casey explains what it is and why it is important to have a financial plan. Some people have concerns [...]
How Does Medicare Work?
Do you have questions about Medicare and how it works? Our Financial Planning Specialist Matthews Barnett, CFP®, ChFC®, CLU® explains everything you need to know about Medicare. He goes over [...]
What is a Health Savings Account?
Health savings accounts (HSAs) are often an overlooked aspect of retirement planning. A couple age 65+ usually spends $295,000 out of pocket on healthcare expenses. A way that you can [...]
2021-2022 Proposed Tax Changes
The Wiser team explains the new tax plan that has been proposed. Capital gains increase, income tax bracket changes, retroactive policies, and eliminating back-door Roths are a few of the [...]