Financial Education Videos
Financial Education
The 2022 Election and Your Money
Today is election day, and with that comes a lot of opinions. Do politics really matter when it comes to an investment portfolio? The short answer is no. An article [...]
Why Do Bond Prices Fall When Market Interest Rates Increase?
One question we often get is, why are bond prices falling, yet interest rates are going up? The answer is simple, that's just how it works. When the FED raises [...]
Save More in Tax-Advantaged Retirement Accounts in 2023
Currently, we are living in a crazy environment filled with inflation and rising prices. However, there is some good news. With the rising interest rates, you can actually save more [...]
Financial Planning in Your 30s
On this episode of A Wiser Retirement Podcast, Casey Smith, Brad Lyons, CFP®, and Michaela Dowdy discuss financial planning in your 30s and 30-year-olds biggest issues with money. Listen on [...]
Vanguard’s Latest Economic and Market Update
Vanguard recently came out with their market perspective update, and for US equities overall they are projecting a rate of return of 4.1%-6.1% annualized over the next decade. Along with [...]
How Financial Planning Looks Different in Every Decade of Your Life
In this episode of A Wiser Retirement Podcast, Casey Smith and Brad Lyons, CFP® discuss how financial planning looks different in every decade of your life and take a deep [...]
How to Handle the Market Sell-Off
When talking about the market sell-off, it's important to understand the difference between a bear market and a market correction. A bear market is when the stock market is down [...]
Prevent Family Conflict with Legacy Planning
Throughout our time in the financial industry, we have seen a lot of scenarios where estate planning can go wrong. The best way to prevent family conflict when passing on [...]