Financial Education Videos

Financial Education

The 2022 Election and Your Money

By |November 8, 2022|

Today is election day, and with that comes a lot of opinions. Do politics really matter when it comes to an investment portfolio? The short answer is no. An article [...]

Financial Planning in Your 30s

By |October 24, 2022|

On this episode of A Wiser Retirement Podcast, Casey Smith, Brad Lyons, CFP®, and Michaela Dowdy discuss financial planning in your 30s and 30-year-olds biggest issues with money. Listen on [...]

How to Handle the Market Sell-Off

By |September 30, 2022|

When talking about the market sell-off, it's important to understand the difference between a bear market and a market correction. A bear market is when the stock market is down [...]


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